Call Banbury Lawn Care on 07977 000 329 to book an appointment or simply fill in our contact form

Seasonal Lawn Treatments

Does your lawn look tired, patchy or have bugs? Why not make your lawn look stunning all year round with our seasonal lawn treatment packages. As lawn professionals we can make sure it looks perfect all year

Annual Essential Treatments

Keeping your lawn in peak condition is an all year round job. There is a programme of recommended lawn actions that need following in order to keep your lawn in its optimum condition.

Specialist Treatments

Apart from Lawn treatments we can also control pest and disease problems in lawns. We also provide treatments for the maintenance of paths, driveways and all other hardscape surfaces.

Annual Essential Treatments

Distressed Bloxham lawn gets rescued

Distressed Bloxham lawn gets rescued

Banbury Lawncare comes to the rescue of a severely distressed and malnourished front lawn in the village of Bloxham. The old lawn was full of weeds and moss and required a rather radical but thorough overhaul in league with its closest neighbors. Lawn underwent an octet of scarification treatments in order to remove all the dead material and thatch that had built up over the years. The lawn was then composted, seeded and a fertilizer yop dressing applied. Come back soon to see the newly restored lawn.

Distressed Bloxham lawn gets rescued Distressed Bloxham lawn gets rescued Distressed Bloxham lawn gets rescued Distressed Bloxham lawn gets rescued 

BOOK your FREE consultation with Mr. Neal Carter of Banbury Lawncare. Neal can be reached on 07977 000329. We always offer FREE advice with over 30 years of experience in the Commercial and Domestic Lawn care Industry.



Top Dressing

Top Dressing

Top dressing the lawn is the process of adding a fine layer of ‘home mixed quality soil’ to the lawn surface. Top dressing benefits the lawn as it builds up the quality of the soil over a period of time, – sandy soils will be able to retain moisture better and so the lawn will be more resistant to drought, clay soils will drain better thus improving root development.

Another benefit of top dressing the lawn is that it will help to even out any lumps and bumps that are present on an uneven lawn, filling in any small hollows that may develop. Top dressing also stimulates the grass to produce new shoots and so results in denser grass cover which helps combat the onset of weed and moss infestation.



Over-Seeding of lawns should be done in late summer or early autumn. The young grasses will have 2-3 months to become established before temperatures drop too low and growth stops.

The concept of over-seeding lawns as part of a regular maintenance has been around for years, but it is still relatively new to many homeowners. This is one step that will do more to improve the quality of your lawn.



Aeration involves perforating the lawn with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn.

The main reason for aerating is to alleviate soil compaction. Compacted soils have too many solid particles in a certain volume or space, which prevents proper circulation of air, water and nutrients in the soil.



Scarification is the process of of removing moss, dead grass and thatch from your lawn

Moss Control

Moss Control

We can treat moss at any time of the year with a mix of granular and liquid products.

Liquid Feeding

Liquid Feeding

We use fast acting and slow release feeds containing seaweed and trace elements.

Free Garden Lawn Assessment

Contact us to arrange

Call: 07977 000 329 or Contact us

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Brackley Lawn Treatment

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Banbury Lawncare have recently completed the restoration of the rear lawn on this property located on Radstone fields Brackley. The original lawn was thin and poorly developed and so a lawn treatment restoration was undertaken. A seeding, top dressing and slow release feed has now bought this lawn back to its former glory. Why spend… Continue Reading